Tips For Bloggers History and Archaeology: Slaves as currency


Slaves as currency


"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" Patrick Henry, Speech in the Virginia Convention, March, 1775.

Slaves and Currency

The history of slavery covers many different form of human exploitation across much culture throughout history. Slavery generally refers to a situation where one human being is considered to be the property of another, and is therefore obligated to perform tasks for the slave master. The first main route of slave trading passed through the Sahara's to the Arab slave trade market, After the European Age of Exploration, African slave became part of the Atlantic slave trade, from which comes the modern, western beginning of slavery as an institution of African- descended slave. Despite its illegality, slavery continues in Africa.

In Africa slavery was domestics in nature. The African people had engaged in slavery in their various locality or Area, which was multilateral in nature (that is involving two or more local areas) e.g. West Africa ‘Nigeria, one of the major ethnic group, the Yoruba people, Ife and Oyo and it extend to regional state or neighbor countries. How do they have their slave?, it can be said that during wars of conquest between two or more various locality, slaves were gotten, which were used as a means of exchange within their areas. These slaves were exchange for tools like guns, farm equipments etc.

Moreover, slave serves as a means of exchange whereby slaves plays a role of debt payment. This means that if a debtor is not able to pay back the money him or her indebted to the borrower. The debtor will have to send one of his children to go and work for the borrower, which he can work for the borrower on his farmland and that serve as a means of paying back the debt the debtor is indebted to. Another means of getting their slaves is slave by birth, means some parents are subject to slave in any form which means any children they have automatic the child is as well as slave as his parents....In my conclusion we should stop to enslaves other..

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